Panoramic Cubes Wallpaper
Total Cost: $530
Wallpaper Calculation
Please complete the following details and we will calculate how many rolls or yards you would need and email you right back:
Product Information:
An infinity of wooden cubes of different sizes are arranged in a remarkable balance. The realistic photographic print evokes both the work of the wood craftsman and the wonderful world of children's games. This panoramic model is connectable in order to be able to cover very large walls.
Roll width: 78.74" Roll length: NA
Pattern repeat: NA Design match: NA
Shipping Information
Shipping Information
Delivery typically within 3 - 7 days.
Shipping costs are displayed at checked. For example:
1 roll or 1 yard: $60
2 rolls or 2 yards or 1 cushion: $70
3 rolls or 3 yards: $80
4 rolls or 4 yards or 2 cushions: $90