Mind The Gap
The Studio Wallpaper
Total Cost: $530
Wallpaper Calculation
Please complete the following details and we will calculate how many rolls or yards you would need and email you right back:
Product Information:
The Studio is a gathering of inspiration pasted to the wall, showcasing thoughts starting to form and the spark of creativity visualised. From quick, scribbled sketches to photo-realistic drawings, the pattern is a cacophony of creative concepts complied to encourage more ideas to flow. Choose from dramatic black and white, or the soft tones of timeworn paper to line the walls with intriguing originality.
Roll width: 20.47" Roll length: 354.33"
Pattern repeat: 61.42” Design match: Straight
Shipping Information
Shipping Information
Delivery typically within 3 - 7 days.
Shipping costs are displayed at checked. For example:
1 roll or 1 yard: $60
2 rolls or 2 yards or 1 cushion: $70
3 rolls or 3 yards: $80
4 rolls or 4 yards or 2 cushions: $90